Page 118 - Diastar - Catalogue 2
P. 118
ACADABRA EDGE edge working tools


• Polishs equally well flat edge of natural stone and engineered stone
• no need to change wheel’s type
• long life & good finish
• Life of position 1 and 2 is presently 8 to 10 times the life of the best bricks. Resimetal is even longer, almost twice
• No need to change wheels for natural and engineered granite.
• These wheels work well on all materials, natural or engineered, and from very soft to very hard (Ruby Red) granites
• It is not necessary to “double up” from 200 to 400 to 800 etc. Customers have used 600 to 1500 or used 1800 instead of

1500, it really matters very little. The wheels are very aggressive, but still give a very good finish.
• Position 1 wheels: a coarse 60/80 mesh wheel works best as it removes completely the lines LT by the metal bond shap-

ing wheel. Keep the pressure low for better finish and much longer life. Using pressure higher than 2 will cause wheel
mark that the next wheel will have problems removing
• Finish: the conventional brick LUX gives the best finish on the last position on natural dark granite colors.
Engineered Stone: 60/80, 100, 200, 400, 600, 1500 (no BUFF), speed 40 or 45cm/min.
The finish on engineered material is good enough on all materials except Space Black, where the LUX is better.
On space black reduce speed to 35 and use a BUFF tool.
• Position 1 leaves wheel marks: too much pressure
• Polish not shiny enough ( does not match top): need BUFF polishing wheels. Best is a iGLOO BLACK BUFF for natural
granite, a iGLOO WHITE BUFF for engineered granite and for marble.
• Tested and approved for: Comandulli, CMG, CMPI, Montresor, Marmo meccanica, GMM-Cemar, Sassomeccanica, Park
Each customer will find the sequence that fits his requirements best, what follows is a guideline and a staRT up:
Flat edge: 4 HEADS (200,400,800,1500) - 5 HEADS (100,200,400,800,1500) - 6 HEADS (100,200,400,800,1500,3000)
7 HEADS (68,100,200,400,800,1500,3500) - 8 HEADS (68,100,200,400,600,800,1500,3500)
10 HEADS (68,100,200,400,400,600,800,1500,3500,5000)

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